
@ Hotell Europa konverentsikeskus

Sociocracy and Holacracy course

Circle governance is an inspiring alternative to the win-lose approach of majority rule and to the muddled approach of not-well organized consensus. More importantly, circle governance is about more than decision making done well – it is about organizational structure that distributes authority and about the feedback processes that support the continuous evolution of individuals and the whole.

The primary approach in this workshop is to learn by doing, supported by lectures and question/answer periods. We will spend most of our time working in small groups.

The topics will include:
– overview of circle governance
– overview of organisational structure based on linked circles (teams)
– consent decision making
– generating proposals
– selection of people to leadership roles
– standard meeting format
– practice dealing with objections
– integrating nonviolent communication
– practice performance reviews
– designing circle structures
– benefits and challenges of adopting circle governance
– how to begin implementing circle governance in a variety of organisations
– history and potential future of circle governance

The course is aimed at the people who are already active in an organisation/initiative/enterprise and desire to take their present cooperation practice to a higher level, or people who are planning a new project/initiative and want to create organisation structure and decision making methods that are based on collective wisdom from the get-go.

The course will take place on October 9-11th in Hotel Europa conference center (Paadi 5, Tallinn).
Times: every day 9:00-17:00.

The fee for the course is 175 EUR.
Paying a non-refundable 50 EUR prepayment will secure your spot. The course fee includes coffee breaks, lunches are not included.

Transfer the prepayment and the participation fee to Eesti Ökokogukondade Ühendus MTÜ account EE782200221072693648. Please add “Sociocracy” and your name in the payment comments.

Registration: https://forms.gle/ZibSp2nwV7yYAwdv9

Organiser: Estonian Ecovillage Movement (Eesti Ökokogukondade Ühendus MTÜ), www.kogukonnad.ee. Project is supported by Active Citizen Fund (www.acf.ee). Gaia Academy www.gaiaakadeemia.ee.

The course is in English.

Additional information: riinu@gaiaakadeemia.ee


Gabriela Krupa
Since 2015, I have been observing and supporting organizations on their way to acting in accordance with the turquoise model of the organization. My path started in Sweden, where realizing the project for Spotify, I observed the effectiveness of self-organization and high motivation of the teams that as part of Spotify had the opportunity to work based on autonomy, trust and transparency. I am an experienced self-organization trainer and a certified Holacracy® coach. https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabi-krupa/

Irena Kaszewska
I am a practitioner and promoter of self-organization at work. I am a business consultant with the mission to build bridges between traditional management and innovative, participatory governance. With 20 years of experience in traditional business I have great
respect for its achievements and strengths. My passion and commitment are in developing better collaboration in organizations. With this in mind, I am also supporting purpose driven nonprofit organizations in Poland. I am a sociocracy trainer and a member of Sociocracy For All – a global organization with the ambition to use Sociocracy for social change in the world. https://www.linkedin.com/in/irena-kaszewska-a6b17638/
